Compare Car Loans
Need a car loan? Buying a new car is exciting but researching possible finance deals on your own is not! Use GAD Finance to find the best car finance options in the UAE. Working alongside the UAE’s leading banks, we gather all the information you need enabling you to find the best offers.
Compare car loans based on; interest rates, deposit requirements, arrangement fees, settlement fees and other applicable loan terms so you can compare the leading car finance products and secure the best deal for your needs. Visit our Contact page for access to extensive articles, tips and support to help you every step of the way.
You can make your life so much better when you drive your dream vehicle. Car financing isn’t complicated when you choose GAD Finance.
Our Auto loans are simple and fast, and we make sure you get on the road quickly with our swift loan processing. We ensure quick approvals with simple documentation.
Flexible and affordable
With a flexible loan tenor and EMIs, Gulf Abu Dhabi Finance Auto Loans can help you drive home your new car. Enjoy up to 60-month repayment tenure with finance up to 80% of the car value.
Convenient payment options
Pay conveniently through UAE Direct Debit System.